Eco and Tondelli observed the Movimento del Settantasette. During the late Seventies, these two Italian authors lived in the same city, Bologna, and worked in the same academic department - the DAMS - Eco as a professor, and Tondelli as his student. The article investigates the rapport between Literature and impegno, through a focus on the writings of Umberto Eco and Pier Vittorio Tondelli. It provides readers with participatory development techniques and tools for orchestrating conflicting ideas, identifying singular needs and common goals, making productive use of diverse backgrounds and developing a shared vision. The paper offers hands-on examples for using design thinking and serious play to collaboratively find solutions for wicked problems. Needs assessment is thus first and foremost a communicative task that benefits greatly from creative techniques that address wicked problems.

'problem' and what is the 'optimal solution', are questions that different stakeholder will answer in different ways. Typically, needs assessment is conducted to identify the gap between an actual product or situation and the perceived optimal solution. At the outset of an educational technology project, instructional designers work with stakeholders to gather data that helps us to reach the audience effectively, design user-friendly interfaces or formulate an organizational strategy.