
White Spy is then mauled by the creature as revenge for cutting off the tip of its tail. White Spy notices the explosive and snips off the lit tip of the fuse, but finds that the fuse is really the tail of a lion that was hiding inside the "dynamite stick". Black Spy lights the fuse and runs behind a nearby bush. ( Episode 2) - Black Spy places what appears to be a large stick of dynamite behind a bench that White Spy is sitting on.( Note: This was originally used on MADtv and this is the first time White Spy wins in a season premiere.).An enraged Black Spy attempts to drop the bomb on him, but grabs the lid that White Spy placed atop the bomb, and drops it on White Spy's head, leaving him unharmed, and leaving Black Spy to be blown up by the bomb. He climbs the tree, secretly places a lid over the bomb, climbs back down, and drives through the toll gate in an army tank. ( Episode 1) - White Spy finds Black Spy guarding a toll gate atop the branch of a tree, with a bomb beside him.off the shelf conformance test libraries available (ISO 7816, EMVCo, SWP/HCI (ETSI TS 102.694-1, ETSI TS 102.695-1 and ETSI TS 102.various types of probes available (ID1, SIM, micro SIM, nano SIM, M2M.open platform : user can program any kind of test scenario, including errors (CRC, parity, timings.

) and physical parameters (rise/fall times, voltages, current.