Of course, once you go to that other site, there is no password to be found. The password can be acquired by going to another site, according to the readme. Inside of the zip archive however, you’ll find another zip, which is password protected. The site lets you download a big archive from Mega or mediafire. Xbox One JTAG Jailbreak – How does the ps3portal scam work? The Jailbreak, they claim, lets you download all Xbox One games for free. The page claims you can download the JTAG Jailbreak for free, install it on a usb key, plug the usb key onto your Xbox One, and it will automatically install an Xbox One JTAG Jailbreak.

From PS4 Jailbreaks to PSN Code generators, and of course the XBox One JTAG Jailbreak. Wow, apparently, these guys have everything figured out. I am not directly linking to their site as I wouldn’t want them to get more traffic. The site that came to my attention today is ps3portal dot net.